3 Steps to maximize leadership potential — FullPotentialLeader
What would help a leader to move from the current level to a more resourceful level?
Today, at the peak of the pandemic, leadership is in focus. Hope we have hit the ‘peak’? Nobody knows. The focus on leadership will continue for several months to come.
After 2008 financial crisis, one headline that was trending for a few years was, ‘Where were all the leadership coaches when the crisis hit?’ (paraphrasing)
The crisis arising out of this pandemic is a bigger one, with a totally different set of challenges. What options do leaders have?
- Leadership is no more command and control. While there may be leaders, in the corporate, business or politics, who seem to be able to survive with old school approaches.
Learn to let go the control. It is not only empowering for the team, liberating for the leader
- Leadership is not just at the top. The leadership now stands totally democratized. Leadership at all levels is going to define how we come out of this crisis, as and when we chose to come out. A leader’s role stands re-defined. One size will not fit all. A leader, who primarily has a default leadership style, will not be effective in the future. A leader got to have all approaches to leadership in his armor.
Coaching is surely one leadership style that can help in almost all situations.
- Leadership is not about leader’s passion, but the impact, contribution. It is not about I/Me/Mine, but about others. When we shift our focus to larger good, what the Universe will give us will be truly mind-blogging.
What would help the leader in us to shift from passion to contribution?