A mind stretched by a new experience

Have you experienced the proverbial ‘stretch’?
Did you move forward thereafter?
The Hero’s Journey (Joseph Campbell) is about moving, and forward… not going back or staying there.
Assuming you want to get back on track and move ahead… What would help you to get back on track, and make the journey holistic?
My mind was ‘stretched’ in June 1988. The journey has been a roller-coaster for me, spiritually.
I wonder, is it the “mind” or Consciousness? The divine consciousness in each one of us? Or, Hi C (higher consciousness) for some of us, or any variant thereof (incl God, Guru, Master)
Master says, every being, knowingly or unknowingly, is on a spiritual pilgrimage
What would help me to remain focussed on the goal, and move forward, with ease, joy, and glory?