Amateur to a Pro – Zero to Hero

#Chandra, during his school days, was more interested in extra-curricular activities. He was not a natural athlete, but enjoyed playing all games. Occasional brilliance, luck/Divine Grace, etc., allowed him to play for his alma maters, from the school to University levels. He did not have the luxury (or talent) to go pro. He studied, took up a job.
Recently, he picked up a badminton 🏸 racquet & played TT. He realized how much he still miss those playing days… If he had a chance to go back and do it all over again, he would chose to become a sportsman. But no regrets.
He is still an amateur!
All sports 🏈 🏀 ⚽️ (icons prompted by the 📱) thrive on amateurs. Not players or admin., and despite sponsors.
The amateur does not play the online gambling version of cricket or find joy in creating teams (as one of the most popular cricketer prods us in TVC’s). Hence he is still just a player or captain, not a #Leader. Leadership is also about #legacy. It is beyond the ‘rights’ of the pro. And,
Legacy is a choice, a responsibility.
An amateur does not have the worry or responsibility as he plays just for the fun of it. There is no (direct) burden of maintaining the highest standards of the game. As in,
🏏 cricket a gentleman’s game?
The amateur just plays, and enjoys. S/he is more than a spectator. S/He is more informed about the nuances of the game vis-a-vis a dumb spectator or a smart investor. S/he is more than an armchair critic or commentator or a self-styled expert. The love for the game is such the amateur is able to ignore the current distractions the game is facing, and trust ‘truth will prevail’.
The pro., thinks s/he is at the core of the game, and rides the wave.
- A tennis player, playing well to openly sharing her mental wellness issues to her opinion on bitcoin, are all riding the wave.
- A golfer breaking traffic laws to compromising on personal integrity in marriage, also in the same boat.
For the amateur, beyond all these the game is pure and simple. Hence,
the amateur is at the core of the ecosystem.
Why do we play?
- The pro., to become a “hero”. The game people play!
- For the amateur, it is the hero’s journey (J Campbell), inner game (TGallwey), and a lot more! Pure joy!
Be a proud amateur, remember you are indirectly responsible for the future of the game.
Right and responsibility are two wings of the 🦅