Being Truthful Inside Out

“A beautiful aspect of our lives, and yet sometimes not given enough importance to, is the truthfulness of our words and actions.”
This includes our thoughts. The Sanskrit term Trikarana Shuddhi emphasizes the harmony between thought, word, and deed. It calls for purity and integrity in thought, speech, and action — embodied in the phrase, “Talk your thought, walk your talk.”
“Too often, hidden falsehoods in our thoughts contradict the words and actions we present to the world. People may sometimes intentionally project a different persona to the outside world while harbouring a contrasting nature within.”
This is particularly evident when influencers, including aspiring ones, speak of grand ideals without practising them, leading to guilt within.
Authenticity lies at the core of our existence and is essential in every sphere — professional, personal or community. Without it, we risk inner conflicts and emotional turmoil, which can manifest as physical ailments.
Trikarana Shuddhi is fundamental to wellness across all dimensions — physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. Hence, the integration of #IQ2EQ2SQ.