Corporate, HR, Tech leaders: Coach Training Classroom @ Hyderabad
A foundation (#RCC) coach training program to add coaching to your leadership, and life
Coaching is about ‘maximizing potential, personal and professional’. It is different from training, consulting, guiding, mentoring, delegating, supporting and therapy.
- Coaching is a process, but also much more than that… an art.
- Coaching can help the coachee/client/employee to move from the current state to a more resourceful state, in the most empowering way
- Coaching can help create magic in relationships, personal and professional, beyond the stated goals.
The future of work demands a leader continues to learn, unlearn, re-learn. One of them being new skills. The future of leadership is strongly linked to adopting a coaching approach, at work & in life. Learn to coach, the #iCFway
#RegalCoaches: Over the last 4 plus years, we have trained over 150 coaches for various certifications and credentials, in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and also online/live programs. These coaches have come from the US, Europe, Middle East, Singapore, and Australia. Also conducted leadership workshops based on coaching & mentoring for over 1,000 leaders.
We are now launching the classroom version of our popular RCC coach training program, in Hyderabad, India.
Regal Coach Certification (#RCC) program:
For leaders from across the spectrum
- for corporate leaders, at all functions, at all levels, including aspiring leaders
- technology professionals (agile, scrum)
- HR, L&D professionals,
- entrepreneurs, freelancers, trainers, facilitators, healers, and
- aspiring/unaccredited coaches.
Classroom sessions at Lemon Tree Premier, HiTech City, Hyderabad, India.
On 7th and 8th September
Is there a better way to spend a weekend?
Based on coaching/mentoring competencies, coaching models and coaching tools. You will learn to use them at your work, and in life. There will be practice sessions, role plays.
You will also receive an RCC coach training completion certificate.
This is an UnAccredited (inspired by Seth Godin’s altMBA) coach training program but based on the International Coach Federation (@ICFHQ) and @EMCC coaching/mentoring competencies. This is a foundation (hence “RCC” :)) program, to introduce you to the coaching approach to leadership, and life.
Facilitated by @Subash CV, and team. Subash is a Master Certified Coach (MCC-ICF), SP (EMCC), INSEAD alum. He spent 21 yrs in the corporate world, before becoming an entrepreneur, coach. He is also a certified healer. His team is members of #RegalCoaches, professionals from a diverse background with a proven track record, also trained, certified/credentialed to coach the #iCFway.
For more on this popular coach training program and to download the brochure, pls visit
To know more/register, pls write to or
Registrations are open. Early bird offer closes on 15th August.
For regular updates on this event, related topics such as executive/business/life coaching, coach training/mentoring, and healing, pls follow us…
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