COVID-19 to No-vid ♾(Infinity )

Co-Rona to Coro-Na: The shift in consciousness

Subash CV
3 min readApr 12, 2020

#Covid19 is the biggest challenge leaders face today. How we handle this challenge will decide our legacy. We have a choice to script the right legacy. As Viktor Frankl said, ‘if we chase happiness, we may not get it’. Hence what we do for collective good will decide the legacy.

While the #lockdown has redefined ‘Uncertainty’ in #VUCA, the future looks uncertain for all. While we take all the precautions prescribed by the government and the medical fraternity for the common good, it helps to stay focussed on the larger goals of life, at a holistic level. Health, Family/Relationships, Spirituality, Hobbies are all back in focus, thanks to the lockdown.

As many world leaders have reminded us, this is a big challenge, but also an opportunity. An opportunity to go within.

If we do not come out of this #lockdown stronger at all levels,

  • physical, through exercises, yoga, or any other activity of your interest
  • mental, resilient and fearless
  • emotional, heal the relationships that have gone off the track during your pursuit of professional success, and
  • spiritual, with deeper self-awareness, faith over fear, #I2We2He

we miss the big opportunity!

Maybe, as we enter the 4th week of lockdown in India,

time to move from co-rona ( together-cry) to coro-na (coro-no), roha & na being in Hindi.

We have been discussing among friends, clients/coachees, fellow coaches & healers, and leaders…

How are you spending time during the #lockdown, courtesy #covid19?

Few things I have been doing:

Satsang with Sunder Iyer: Join the Satsang, mostly recorded, Satsang with Sunder, on Sri Hanuman Chalisa. 10h episode was aired today (India time). And we are just warming up. Dr Sunder is one of the best orators I know, with a fine sense of humour. Satsangs are serious stuff, but he still share one or two lighter moments. He starts with chanting and ends with singing the entire Chalisa. In between he picks up a couple of lines and dives deep into it. He links not only yoga to the discussion, but spirituality too. Check out

Success Gyan’s Suren kicked off his webinar’s with the guru, Sri M.

Topic- Why every challenge is an opportunity! Sri M’s autobiography, “Apprenticed to the Himalayan Masters” is a personal favorite, and I have widely recommended to those on their spiritual journey…

Books: Started with a few.

What impressed me was Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear. A share in one of our alumni group prompted to start with this book, even though it has been on my to-read list for some time. Brilliant book on “habits

Join in my journeys with books at GoodReads Books (disclosure: I am no voracious reader. I think too much knowledge is more dangerous than little knowledge!)

I watched a few movies… We were clear not to watch anything that is linked to a virus-like story. We skipped ‘Parasite’, ‘Contagion’, ‘Virus’, etc

  • Mohanlal’s ‘Drishyam’, the original.
  • Gully boy — very inspiring story
  • Good News, Bareily ke Barfi
  • Yeh Zindagi, featuring SRK as a psychotherapist.

Stay safe, stay blessed!



Subash CV

Leadership Coach, ICF Mentor Coach, Healer. Former Banker. Dog lover. Aspiring author. Used to be an aspiring singer.