De-mystifying Coaching, Coach Training, Mentoring — Certification, Credentialing
Executive Coaching | Leadership Coaching | Coach Training Certification
Coaching is different from training, guiding, mentoring, therapy, instructing, healing, et al. We use these very loosely. We think we are coaching, without any training, mentoring. You may be a natural coach. But it is unlikely that you are truly coaching.
Research shows people thought they were very self-aware, even though they were not.
You may be thinking you are coaching at work, in life. But most likely you are doing something else in the name of coaching!
Coach certification is different from coaching credential, membership:
1. International Coaching Federation (ICF), the gold standard in coaching, gives you a credential, ACC, PCC, or MCC.
2. One of the key pre-requisites to get the credential is certification from an ICF-approved coach training institution.
- Regal Unlimited is the gold standard in coach training, coach -mentoring, and coach certification.
A pioneer and a leader in coach training in this part of the world.
- ICF has 3 routes to credentials, portfolio, ACSTH, and ACTP. We offer ACSTH, which involves the submission of recordings of coaching conversation(s).
As such coaching credential (by ICF) is an indication that, a coach has not only completed the credentialing process but also committed to the ICF code of ethics.
ICF membership is different from all these. You can be a member of ICF whether you are credentialed/certified.
While ICF membership is renewable every year, credentials are renewed every 3 years.
Coaching credentials (ACC, PCC, or MCC), or coach training & certification, do not ‘guarantee’ quality of coaching. It still depends on individual coaches, also individual coachees/clients. But it is more than ‘ a coach is as good as the coachee ‘.
If a leader is only as good as the team, why have the leader at all?
if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader — John Quincy Adams
Just as we would take time and effort to choose a coach, take responsibility for choosing your coach-training institute, and mentor coaches. These are life-changing moments and relationships. Choose wisely. Don’t make it purely on the fee. You deserve the best.
It is a Hero’s Journey. ‘Choose Bliss’, Joseph Campbell.
We, at Regal Unlimited, offer ICF-approved coach training, mentoring (part of the package), and certifications. The alumni community is one of the best groups of professional coaches. We support you throughout the certification, ICF credentialing, and beyond, in your journey to Become a Coach to Being a Coach. A new batch starting on Saturday, April 17th.

Originally published at on April 14, 2021.