Learning, Leading, Coaching

One of the things we look for in our clients, for executive leadership coaching as well as coach training/certification, is their learning orientation. The curiosity to know, the humility to learn, the acceptance there is still so much to learn, prioritising learning, disciplined as a consistent learner.
Why are we here? To learn & grow
Learning agility is one of the popular jargon today in the corporate world. Agility is a need in this VUCA world. Not just in the corporate, but in every sphere of life. Learning is an urgent need with pressures in time and various distractions, gadgets to daily news.
Learning, as adults, depend on several factors
- Our orientation towards learning: the good old “why”
- Our style of learning: each one of us have our own individual styles.
- Coaching accept we all our own adult learning styles
Working with leaders for their executive coaching and/or coach training, have come across several interesting situations:
- Don’t enjoy Reading books, so learns by watching videos.
- Have found audio versions (audiobooks to the podcast) as a solution.
- Some struggle to retain the lessons and sees that as a problem.
- One of the voracious readers keeps marking on the book and gets his secretary to convert them into PPT or Word doc., for future reference, use.
- Some of us use tools like Evernote.
- One of them forces himself by listening to an audio version and reading simultaneously
- Some have looked at learning speed reading as a skill
- It is interesting the belief system we have about our own learning.
One of my personal belief on learning is “I am a slow learner”. That awareness helps me. It helps me to set goals and plan action accordingly. I am unapologetic about it (Low IQ 😃). I also see it at times becomes a limiting belief, not really helping me.
What is your belief about your learning?
Learning is neither ‘a matter of intelligence nor an immutable trait’. As in coaching or any problem-solving methodology (GROW, for example), it is about setting goals and act on options. Action is the key.
Learners are not born, they are made.
Mindless practice does not make perfect, but mindful practice. Moving from mindless incompetence, unconscious or conscious, to mindful (unconscious) competence. As the article points out sky-high IQ does not guarantee high learning capability.
We coaches, including those of us on training to become a coach, practice coaching as part of the learning journey. ACC (ICF) requires 💯 hours of coaching practice. The objective is mindful, disciplined, dedicated practice within the stipulated period, to maximise learning. The additional benefit being the journey within.
Learning can still be an IQ related activity, irrespective of the level of IQ.
Leading can happen only when IQ is combined with emotional intelligence. EQ
Coaching needs IQ & EQ, but to have a transformational impact, also spiritual quotient (SQ)