Master manifests when the student is ready.
Not just in the spiritual journey but also in all other areas of life - music, dance, art, yoga, and coaching.

It was in 1988 I was introduced to yoga in all its glory. A medical doctor gave a talk, with a demo, on Iyengar yoga. I became a big fan of BKS Iyengar ji since then. I kept following him, pre-social media days. Those were the days I was exploring deeper into Indian Culture and Ethos and had just found my spiritual guru. My search for a yoga teacher started then, with multiple attempts with various yoga trainers in between. None of them worked for me, and I continued to wait, with the passive search for a teacher. I went to the gym while I was overseas to maintain health and also to prevent some lifestyle diseases creeping in, thanks to a more sedentary lifestyle overseas, at a higher level on the corporate ladder, and the rich food easily available.
Back in India, a new city… Four years later, a friend introduced me to a Yoga teacher in 2016, and I started classes in the first week of 2017. New year, not as part of new year's resolutions (I never had a liking for NY resolutions), but just calendar-permitted! I have since then been a student of yoga. Got introduced to ashtanga yoga, Bihar school of Yoga, and many more nuances of yoga over the last four years. It has been a fascinating journey... for over six years. And perseverance pays! I have got multiple direct and indirect benefits from practicing Yoga regularly. Discipline is the key in all these areas. Spiritual discipline.

My Yoga Teacher says this is a perfect posture. It took a long time for me to start trying this out and to get it right. It is deep abdominal breathing in this posture that makes it a difficult and powerful experience. Try it out under an experienced yoga teacher’s guidance. Surya Namaskar is the next experience. The trust in the process, the guidance of the teacher, and Divine Grace… the journey continues…
Yoga was always a spiritual journey for me. So I gave up my six-pack-ab plan long back. Started to focus on the overall wellness quotient - physical, mental, emotional, social, and thus spiritual. Still a long way from ‘Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha’. It is part of the overall journey!
So when my yoga trainer shared yesterday, his deep personal thought, I agreed with him fully: “Yoga comes to us when we are ready”

Not just Yoga. But music too…
Nothing is a coincidence. Just the previous evening, my carnatic vocal music teacher said, “every raaga has a presiding deity. Every swara has a presiding deity.” And that is my personal hobby. Not for the sake of giving a performance, but just to sing… for the sake of singing. Giving Cacofonix a ‘run for the money’!
My musical journey has just become more meaningful! Llife can become a music too…
What is your hobby? What are you doing to strengthen your wellness quotient? What are you learning? #RegalAt60 is a tool that is part of our professional coaching that helps you look at life holistically, not in compartments. #BeRegal, by choice.
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