Poetic Justice or Karma in Action!
Aggregators chasing mere numbers at the cost of customer service is the wrong road to take.

- Last week a friend booked a cab to the airport. Twice the driver canceled, 3rd time the driver refused, being “airport drop”. We called one of the local drivers. Thankfully he was available, and the friend reached the airport just in time to catch a delayed flight!
- Early this week I booked a ride. After a lot of delays got a confirmation. He came, saw the destination was not to his preference (being short distance, unlike airport), and in front of me just canceled the ride. I tried to protest, but the driver was disrespectful, rude, and just went off.
I raised the complaint. The response from the aggregator was the usual, give the registered mobile no, we are sorry, we are looking into it, etc. Then I get a link to rate the experience :)
(We call it, ‘when customer service reports to Ops! No disrespect to friends in Ops’)
- Yesterday, when I booked the same guy landed. I recognized the vehicle number (advantage of vehicle finance experience :) ) and of course the driver! When he dropped me, I reminded him of the recent incident. Of course, he recognised me, and apologised saying ‘he was in a hurry’!
- The aggregator has not responded.
The business depends so much on last-mile delivery. The people-to-people interaction. What are these tech aggregators doing on that front? We see many delivery boys taking shortcuts, risking lives, violating traffic rules. How do we motivate them to be your brand ambassador?
Since then downloaded the alternate aggregator and used that only. The previous aggregator has lost one small/insignificant client.
Customer service is going personal. Tech is enabling it. But these aggregators who depend so much on tech are missing this point. #CusotmerService. They are too far from #cusotmerdelight.