Festivals are celebrated @home
शुभं करोति कल्याणमारोग्यं धनसंपदम् ।
शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥
Shubham Karoti Kalyaannam-Aarogyam Dhana-Sampadaa |
Shatru-Buddhi-Vinaashaaya Diipa-Jyotir-Namostute ||
Meaning: Salutations to the Light, which brings auspiciousness, health, prosperity, and which destroys that inimical feelings; Salutations to such (inner) light.
We don’t get to celebrate festivals at home because people burst 💥 crackers. Our terrified 🐩 🐕 😢 are the reasons to escape to the wilderness!

When they heard crackers burst even in the wilderness of the resort, away from the city, their home :(
When they gave up on humanity!
Remember the #starfish story. Someone would pick up the starfishes, one by one, and throwback into the sea. He was happy to save, one at a time.
- ‘Ask not what the country can do for you….’. JFK. Now the shift in consciousness needed is ‘what I can do for #humanity’, environment, and birds, animals.
- With 2 dogs 🐕 🐩 at home, we see their suffering when crackers are burst.
- With close friends & family members allergic, I have a choice.
- Let us not give it a religious fervor.
- Let us be sensitive. Show some love to the animals, birds?
- Ultimately what matters is the spiritual quotient.
‘It is in the depth of silence the voice of God can be heard’. Not the noisy crackers!
- To pollute or not to pollute. Even if our per capita contribution is one of the lowest globally.
- I still respect your choice to burst crackers.
Karma hai na!
Diwali is a festival of lights, the lights within.
‘Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya’.
Happy Diwali 🪔 🪔 🪔
14 Nov: 10 days after Diwali, people continue to burst 💥 crackers 😢 daily.
- If I look at it from a religious angle, God nor my Guru can save me. It is just not spirituality. Karma hai na!
- If I think I am entitled to pollute till other big polluters stop, think of the starfish story! ‘Ask not what the country can do for you..:’
- If I think my children deserve to have fun bursting crackers (=polluting), I should step back look at my parenting style!
- Spare a thought for all the elders & kids who suffer from breathing 😮💨 related health issues
- Pets, dogs, cats, animals, birds… all need our love & care. Not inflict suffering upon them. We appeal for their sake 🙏🙏
- Environmental impact is a choice. The planet can take care of itself.
Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya’.
Happy Karthikai Deep 🪔 🪔 🪔