Every leader sets the drumbeat for the company

A friend recommended this podcast. I happened to listen to it, as I often do, while on my dog walk. With the earphones, the quality of the recording, the sound of the drums, and the message blew me away.
- For me, #coaching (1–1 or 1-many) is not just the process & science of deep conversations based on goal, exploration and action, trust all along. It is also an art. As an experienced professional ICF Coach, I am curious about the client’s new learning about himself/herself. A new awareness in the moment.
- As for #coachtraining/#coachmentoring, we train the learner coaches to dance in the moment. Nothing less. it is a jugalbandhi with the client or salsa. On the strong foundation of the process and the science, they settle for artistic expression. It comes from a state of flow. It comes from deep humility. For that happens only in the higher consciousness, beyond ego. Tapping into intuition is effortless.
- #IQ2EQ2SQ is as much relevant in leadership. Whether you call #PlanetPeopleProfit in that order, and not the reverse, as it used to be or still is.. not will be in the future. We also have a variant for it, Master calls it #I2We2He. At that level, it is #healing, whatever the approach, methodology.
When these approaches come together, the outcome is unconditional positive regard, (unconditional, selfless) love, or #compassionate.
Drumbeat: All these should help leaders to set his/her drumbeat for his/her organization. S/he has a responsibility to be the torchbearer of the values, and an ambassador thereof.
Long back, during my banking days, I learned the opportunity to give a consistent experience to customers, irrespective of the channel. Whether the customer reaches out to the bank through a branch, internet banking, ATM, call center, or field staff, and now mobile banking. That is leadership. But how many banks provide that today? The same is with other thriving industries, even during covid19 times — tech, telecom, etc.
We don’t listen. We don’t return the calls. Do we really care.
Customer delight is not a priority for the service provider, its employees. Their target and monthly goals are more important.
At what cost?
Why the good-old, no-brainer, customer service is not anywhere near ‘delight’? It flows from the top. No compassion for people. The focus is on profit. The planet is not even in the game. That is still not the future.
Every leader has a responsibility to set the dream of their organization. Else s/he is not a #leader.
- Every leader has to set the drumbeat for their company — the culture, mission, and values that get the entire team in sync.
- And the rhythm has to be true to them.
- Jeff Weiner is a master at this. When he was the CEO of LinkedIn, Jeff grew users from 33 million to 660 million and grew revenue to more than $7 billion. His drumbeat? Compassionate management.
#Podcast: How to set the drumbeat, w/LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1227971746?i=1000456865058&at=1l3vwYf
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Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.