Shravanam, Mananam, Nidhidhyasanam: Listen, Reflect, Assimilate
‘Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam’ which can be translated as ‘Listen, Reflect and Assimilate’ is a Vedantic edict to the spiritual aspirant on how the Supreme Truths are to be approached and absorbed.
There are 9 spiritual paths. Reading spiritual literature, listening to discourses, attending satsangs, are all part of it. Unless these activities are converted into reflection and assimilated, they remain mere intellectual activities. A bias for action.

Enrich life. Spiritual literature, spiritual writing.
How about making the daily practice of Regal reflective journaling into spiritual writing?
It can be therapeutic, and a lot more. Deeply spiritual.
‘We all are beings on a spiritual pilgrimage’