It is about making conscious choice — to be courageous, be happy
Over the last month, we have read and discussed The Courage to Be Disliked as part of the Regal Book Club.
Picked up some interesting alternate POVs.
Anger Management
How do you handle anger? Do you raise your voice or suppress it? While the former may injure (at a mental/emotional level) the other person, the latter is surely injurious to yourself. I am more in the latter case. People think I am patient, especially at work and even more so during my corporate days. I was merely suppressing!
As the saying goes, ‘When we numb one emotion, we numb every emotion.’ Brené Brown
This book gave a different perspective on managing anger:

It is lonely at the top, but the journey to the top is chosen by the leader, whether in business or elsewhere. But now, loneliness is not for business leaders alone but for all leaders — for-profit, not-for-profit, political, even academics, and healthcare.
Loneliness is not the prerogative of leaders alone. All others (followers) feel that too!
#DYK that the impact of loneliness on our wellness is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes!!

Toxic Bosses
It is a strongly held belief that we do not have a say in the choice of our bosses at work, especially when we face toxic bosses.
This is an uncommon fact. Many executive coaching clients complain that their bosses are unsupportive and, at times, outright toxic!
Why do we attract awful bosses?

The purpose of Education
Is learning part of our priorities as adults?
Are you going deeper in our chosen area (depth), or are we spreading thin? I see techies go into coaching and then go deep into Appreciative Inquiry, psychology and related therapy fields. Instead, should they not be deepending their coaching skills?
If it has to be AI, then should it not be Artificial intelligence (AI)

My Guru says, The end of education is character.
Leader in Action — Tasks
If L-E-A-D-E-R were an acronym, R would stand for results , and A would stand for Action . Action is critical to success in coaching engagements. Hence, ‘ tasks ‘ are at the core of our existence. No action, no success.
It is all about tasks, and courage.

It was never about ability. It was about courage! No excuse, be courageous to be action-oriented.
What are those areas of work that need action?

Work-Life Integration
Work-life balance is a big debate today. It was never about balance but integration.
You don’t do work-life balance, but approach from a state of Being

At the same time, don’t overdo anything. Overwork is no excuse. It is injurious too. A workaholic is not a good space to be. Work is one of the elements of Life! Who you are at work is one part of who you are! Ignore other elements at your own risk.
I realized a true Karma Yogi is not a workaholic.
Relationships — Vertical Vs Horizontal
This really hit me: If you have one vertical relationship, all your relationships are vertical.
Quite like, ‘if you numb one emotion, you numb all emotions.’ Brené Brown again.
Coaching is all about horizontal relationships, such as adult-to-adult (TA) relationships. But if you have even one relationship that is not adult-to-adult or vertical, then you are NOT a coach.
Fellow Coaches, are all your relationships horizontal?

This has made me look at every relationship, including with our pet, Jack!
Doing to Being to Doing — Hero’s Journey
Last but not least, it is all about moving from doing to being. It is about acceptance and the courage to be happy.
Courage to be Liked!

Choose Bliss! — Joseph Campbell
Originally published at