The Journey to ‘Become a Coach’

- Everyone needs a coach. Just as the mentor, helper, guide, and guru that the hero gets on their Hero’s Journey (Joseph Campbell).
- Every leader deserves a professional coach.
- A leader, without the support of a professional coach, may not reach their full potential.
For the above reasons, the journey to ‘ become a coach’ is an arduous one.
The coach not only acquires professional skills to coach but also builds their professional practice (business of coaching, including personal branding to marketing). The coach commits to personal transformation, deep work, and continued learning. It is a lifelong commitment to all these.
The client experiences a transformational shift in themselves. To co-create that and partner with the clients, it is important that the coach is appreciative of the process, the shift, and the pace the client chooses.
There are no shortcuts. No one is a coach by accident. We evolve to become a coach.
All these make it a hero’s journey for the aspiring coach too. It does not end once the coach completes the certification (with Regal Unlimited) or gets credentialed (with ICF). In fact, the journey shifts gears at each of these steps. It can be a roller coaster ride for the aspiring coach.
It is like multiple sprints within a marathon with multiple pitstops!
- All these make it a deeply spiritual process. Just as in any deep learning & spiritual process,
- the importance of your coach training school,
- the mentors,
- the supporting trainers/mentors,
- the support staff handling customer service,
- the cohort,
- the community of alumni, and
- the overall support system…
All of the above matter in your journey to “Becoming A Coach” and to take your coaching from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence (#Doing2Being). Hence, it is about tapping into the higher consciousness.
After all, tapping into intuition, listening at all four levels, deep presence, building trust, and coaching presence, evoking new awareness are all ICF coaching competencies… and beyond!
It is NOT learning by rote, learning from online platforms, social media, books, or e-learning. It is adult learning, co-creating, discovering the coach already within, and developing your own style.
It is an inner calling to become a coach. You need a rock-solid support system to travel the arduous path.
Check out, What is Coaching?
ICF-approved coach training & certification by Regal Unlimited — The Coaching School for the World — Creating the best coaches globally. We started an offline, residential batch on Feb 3rd, 2023.
The next online batch starting on March 22, 2023, 6 PM IST/7:30 AM EST

Originally published at