Youngest Senator, Oldest Prez

9 Months of Covid19
We have got so caught up with our day to day life, we have forgotten to dream. We have forgotten what were our old dreams. We have stopped reflecting. Covid19 was an opportunity to pause for perspectives. But are we making full use of it?
We have forgotten we can set goals, work for them, and #ManifestMagic.
As a friend mentioned recently,
- I have gained an inch or two around my waist, maybe gained a kilo or two
- screen time has gone up
- would have loved to meditate more
If success about where I am today compared to where I was in March… has it been a success or more a failure?
You just do the best you can with what you’ve got.. and sometimes magic strikes: Sally Field
Regal@60: Beyond IKIGAI
What is the best age to become the POTUS? Is there a right age? Does it help to become a young president, for the president and the country? or is it better to have a seasoned politician with experience and wisdom.
It does not depend on external factors. Only based on politicians’ preferences. It is a matter of personal choice.
Ladder Vs Wall: Often we look at the ladder and the effort to climb up. We don’t pause to check if the ladder is on the right wall. This also is applicable to all leaders.
Joe Biden’s journey of being one of the youngest senators to the oldest US President
In 1972, was first elected and has since served six terms as a senator for the state of Delaware. Aged 29, he was one of the youngest people ever elected to the US Senate and was ranked as one of the least wealthy members in the Senate. Two failed attempts for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and 2008, finally secured this year.
If you can dream it, you can do it — Walt Disney
The presidential that the veteran leader from Delaware had harbored since childhood seemed all but over for a third time until he won South Carolina’s Democratic Party primary on February 29, forcing most rivals out of the race and making one of the most dramatic comebacks in American political history.
Leadership is about #IQ2EQ2SQ — At Soul level.
While accepting the Democratic presidential nomination in August, Biden pledged to restore the “soul of America”, and be an “ally of the light, not the darkness.
Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya — Lead from darkness to light.
Is that not what is leadership? To lead…. to lead to light?
Leadership is about
- setting #goals, aligned with dreams
- working on them, selflessly: #legacy is linked only to selflessness
- focus on collective good #I2We2He
What if there was still a chance? What if you could #ManifestMagic in next 50 days of 2020? What would it take to step back, set goals, and work towards them? 50 Days’ challenge to Manifest Magic — #BeRegal

For more on #RegalAt60 #BeyondIKIGAI #leadershipcoaching visit
Originally published at on November 11, 2020.